Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Since I began writing my blog it is consuming all my spare time. Instead of sewing and making things, I write and read blogs. Writing in english is taking much time, and I can't express myself like I want. There is a gap between what I want to tell and what I can write in enplish. I only have four days of three hours each and when my daughter is at home a few stolen moments. So I will write in dutch from now on and maybe move to typepad. Then I hope I have time to do the things I like and write about that.

But anyway, while I didn't write last days, I had time to make a start with this:
The pink and green is woven wool which I painted a dot on with silver paint. The ribbon is silk, colored from orange to purple. And there is a woollen filling.
When it's finished I will show it...

I also finally made the stamp and some labels.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I did it!

Ha! I've just sent all the work I made to the press. Pfoe.. that was a couple of days hard work, because it's not work I often do. Although it was easier for me than last time, I still did a lot of searching in books and in the programme for how to make the things I wanted. But here is one of the results. I made two flyers, and a poster. And had to remake letterpaper and enveloppes.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

surprise in my mailbox yesterday

Yesterday I found this parcel in my mailbox. It was the give-away from Erna.
Thank You Erna! They are lovely! She made a really nice present of it, look at the pictures!! I returned smiling to my computer, to make a poster from the flyer I showed yesterday. 

Saturday, January 17, 2009


The past days I was busy making this flyer, and one other I'm still working at, for Sonar TC, whose website and logo I designed last year.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

at the kaardebol

Last days I've been busy making flyers and a frontpage for a rapport. I'll show them tomorrow when I have a spare moment. But today I was also watching my dauhgter in an old barn with her whole class playing "drie-koningen" (the three kings who came to Jezus when they heard he was born). I made some pictures in the medieval barn.
Actually, the barn isn't old at all. It was built a couple of years ago, but just similar to an medieval barn. Beautiful isn't it, with that light through the opening under the roof.
They had placed cuplights on a bar and a lantern in between. It was fairy-like. And in the middle of the room there was a big open fire with wooden seats around where all parents could sit and watch our children play for us...

Monday, January 12, 2009


It has been fifteen years since I was on skates, and that was not the best experience. I can't skate at all. But now I thought this is the time to teach my children how to skate. Who knows when there willl be ice again. Maybe it will take another 12 years... And I always liked the days with my family on the ice.
So we picked up two pair of very old skates at our family's and went to the canal nearby. 
Well... as you can see my son and I were holding eachother and were crawling over the ice. You can't call it skating, but we did have fun!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

making other plans

All holliday I was looking forward to making my stamp and labels today, but this night my daughter got fever. So she now is sitting next to me on the ground and lingers (don't know if this is the word I mean..). All the time asking when I am ready to go downstairs... And an hour ago I got a call for making two flyers wich will take probably all the time that I don't have to do things with my family.

So this is a good day for training my ability of letting go all my plans.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

what I have made and going to make

I got two comments!!!! Thank you! I jump up and down when I saw it. It feel like I have entered the door to blogland. Until now it was like I was writing all to myself..

Lately I was busy making things for others. I just finished my sons rugzak, Yesterday I made a coat larger for the school of my daughter. Before that I made two boxes for the clothes of my daughters dolls. That was really easy and I want to make some more. 
And I have made a jacket for my son. 

Now my daughter is back to school I have time to make her prinsess-coat (this is not the right word for it, but I don't now how I can call it. It is like a cape.) That can be great. I bought pink silk for the outside and orange flanel for the inside. On the silk I will paint with silver textilepaint of trapsuutjies a little crown. This paint is as far as I could see a very enviromentally friendly paint for textile.

Yes!!! I have placed a picture where I want it!! It was actually really easy. Ha ha. 
The pictures are not how I want them to be. I have to develop my style more. That I also will do in the following days.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

What I will use this blog for

I want to share things I make with friends and family and connect with other creating persons all over the world (and that's why I write in english instead of dutch). 
Getting things out of my head and into the real world. I feel that things get more and more real the more I talk about it.
Make up my mind about what direction I want to go with my creatings (is that an english word?)
Show the same me to all the different persons I know. Instead off all the different me's matching others.

That is it for now. 
I still don't know how to get pictures at the end of a post.


Yesterday we went to a city nearby and I bought an large inkpad for the stamp I'm going to make for land van Li. It has 8 (!) bright colours and now I can make a new stamp and make labels!!!!
I have just finished the rugzak for my son.
Now I will try to get a picture in here. I'm loading the pictures from the camera while I write this.

Oh.. now the picture is above the text. How do I get it in between the text?
I will try this with the picture of the rugzak.

Well, the first attempt failed.

...and the second also.
I have to ask this someone. 

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Wauw !!!

Finally started. First I made three times a new header and knowing myself there will be more. I have so many ideas that I don't know where to start. And it is a little strange, a lot strange that everyone can come here and read this.
I will get used to it. And also of writing in english.
This is a very small first attempt, because I'll go to bed soon and sleep a long long time after several night of too little sleep. Tomorrow I jump out of bed and run to write some more. And try to get some pictures in here too.